Ranchers see universal lessons in combating lonesomeness
As millions of individuals nationwide attempt to adhere to “stay at home” orders aimed at slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic, rancher Amber Smith is quick to admit…
Read More...Photos: In rural towns and on remote farms the virus creeps in
In places where social distancing was already a way of life, the relentless pandemic has begun to reshape the economy. Many rural areas in Oregon and across the country remain…
Read More...Surviving isolation: It’s OK to ask for help
Not everyone is suited to rural life — or social distancing — but there are some lessons from rural life that might be applicable during the novel coronavirus outbreak. First and…
Read More...Ranch mom shares 5 tips for coping with social distancing
Amanda Radke visits with fellow ranch mom, Amber Smith, about habits we can adopt to help us deal with the emotional toll of COVID-19. Smith is the Women in Ranching…
Read More...Farm-to-table operations now taking an online farm-to-public approach in the age of coronavirus
Farmers, ranchers who’ve lost restaurant business are coming up with new ways of reaching customers. This piece shares the stories of several creative Colorado farmers and ranchers responding to the…
Read More...Colorado farms reinvent to meet communities’ needs
Farmers have seen a drop in business from restaurants as that industry cuts down on expenses in a takeout and delivery only model because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Growers in…
Read More...U.S. coronavirus stimulus bill adds billions in support for farmers
The U.S. coronavirus stimulus bill would add $14 billion to the Agriculture Department’s Commodity Credit Corp spending authority, and authorize another $9.5 billion for U.S. farmers hurt by the fast-spreading…
Read More...COVID-19 aid package offers assistance to rural America
The Senate advanced its Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act (CARES Act) in a vote late Wednesday night in the third tranche of assistance offered by Congress as it…
Read More...Department of State waives interview requirement for H-2A workers
The Department of State is taking steps to reduce delays in the processing of H-2A workers caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Department of State…
Read More...1st rural county COVID-19 case in Montana
Montana added four new cases of the coronavirus Thursday night, including the first in a rural eastern Montana county. There are now 16 cases within the state’s borders. The patient…