Grazing Lands Partnerships
Standing up a West-wide Grazing Lands Coalition.
Drought, short growing seasons, high altitudes, increasing wildfire, unique invasive species, public lands and more all make grazing in the West a particular kind of challenging. That's why we're building the West-wide Grazing Lands Coalition (WestGLC).
Lesser Prairie Chickens on the Range
Working with producers to improve range health and habitat in Eastern New Mexico.
In this new National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Southern Plains Grassland funded project in eastern New Mexico, a fledgling partnership is working to balance ongoing cattle grazing that supports local rancher livelihoods, with management of quality habitat for pronghorn and Lesser-prairie Chicken (recently listed as endangered), and healthy soils that have the potential to increase carbon sequestration.
Water in the West
Ensuring abundant clean water for the West's working lands and native species
Landowners are rising to the challenge
Water has been and will increasingly be the single biggest challenge to the future of the West. WLA is working on water issues at all levels, from the soil surface and riverbed to the halls of power in state capitals and Washington, D.C.
The Working Wild Challenge
Thriving ranches and thriving wildlife.
Our landowner-led effort recognizes the challenge of ranching with wildlife, and facilitates constructive dialogue between wildlife managers and working lands stewards to solve problems through peer learning, public policies, and increasing access to technical and financial assistance. Our approach leads to stronger partnerships, more resilient ranches, and ultimately, better-connected landscapes.
Conserving Migration Corridors
Supporting landowners to conserve pathways for migratory wildlife like elk, deer and pronghorn.
Strategies for Corridors
Landowner perspectives gained through one-on-one interviews and focus groups provide the foundation for the recommendations contained within this toolkit. They are shared side-by-side with concise strategies for policymakers, funders, and organizations looking to improve wildlife habitat in this dynamic trans-boundary region of Colorado and New Mexico.
Stewardship Practice Guides
Sharing knowledge between land stewards.
Publications by landowners for landowners
We are regularly adding to our library of resources to help land stewards take practical action and make tough decisions about every day stewardship issues, from water and forestry to livestock and wildlife.
Partnership in Wyoming
Wyoming migration fund to benefit working lands, big game habitat
Western Landowners Alliance is thrilled to announce that we are the recipient of grant funding to support habitat leasing in Wyoming! The WYldlife Fund, a nonprofit partner of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, announced the first recipients of grant funding from its new Pooled Migration Fund. The grant funding is intended to enhance voluntary conservation of private, working lands and Tribal lands within big game migration corridors.

Working lands have the richest biodiversity, per acre, found across the Western landscape, and are typically where the majority of fresh water is found. Working lands are also equally critical for sustaining prosperous rural businesses and long-term economic vitality.
The stewardship of these landscapes is both a privilege and a tremendous responsibility. To support this hard work, we create opportunities for knowledge exchange between landowners, make science more accessible and relevant, and provide the resources and information needed to make sound management decisions.
Stewardship Resources

Habitat Conservation Strategies for Migrating Wildlife
Protecting the long migratory pathways of ungulates like elk, deer and pronghorn requires collaboration across landownership boundaries and the ability to work with private landowners effectively. We looked at the tools that are being and could be used to support private landowners in conserving migration corridors in the Upper Rio Grande. The lessons we learned, and summarize in this toolkit, are applicable across the West.
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WLA works on behalf of landowners and practitioners throughout the West. We will never share your contact information with anyone.