New audio documentary investigates history, challenges and future of sharing Western landscapes with wolves
By most metrics, wolf recovery in the lower 48 is a conservation success story. But not everyone sees it that way. The first season of a new podcast from Montana State…
Read More...Does this fisherman have the right to be in this billionaire’s backyard?
In 2018, Hill, 81, a retired nuclear weapons scientist, filed a lawsuit asking the state to clarify its notoriously muddy stream-access laws vis-à-vis one of his favorite trout fishing grounds. To the…
Read More...How many wolves should there be in Colorado?
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department has roughly 18 months to reintroduce gray wolves on lands west of the Continental Divide. As the agency puts together a reintroduction plan, the…
Read More...Oregon gets funds to help producers deal with wolves
A federal grant will soon be available to help farmers and ranchers combat wolves in Oregon. $100,000 will be spent by the USDA to help solve the problem in non-lethal…
Read More...Livestock producers asked to petition for cost-share programs to reduce risks of predator damage
U.S. Department of Agriculture leadership has asked the Western Landowners Alliance to demonstrate demand from producers for cost-share programs for landowner-implemented conflict prevention, including fencing, range riding and carcass management,…
Read More...CPW Commission hears SAG draft, public comment on wolves
The Stakeholders Advisory Group delivered their draft report and recognize that wolves have both positive and negative impacts and will be allowed to remain where they are if they’re not…
Read More...USDA partners with Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem landowners to conserve wildlife habitat
Wyoming landowners in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem have long allowed wildlife to migrate through their private lands, and now, a new partnership will financially compensate them. The United States Department…
Read More...Wolves force California ranchers into deadly compromises
Griffin’s overarching goal, he tells me, is simply for ranching to endure. That lifestyle is where his heart is, and so too is the protection of open spaces that allow…
Read More...Guest column: Montana making strides in migration education
Montanans have long valued the state’s wide-open landscape. The state has benefited greatly from the ability of ranching, farming and forestry to utilize these lands in economically productive ways that…
Read More...With big investment in wildlife crossings, Colorado lawmakers hope to cut car-animal collisions
Senate bill 151 would tab that money for safe wildlife crossings around the state’s highways and interstates and, backers hope, leverage federal money from the bipartisan infrastructure bill to goose the…