Agricultural Water Users’ Preferences for Addressing Water Shortages in the Colorado River Basin
The Colorado River Basin is in crisis. There is no longer enough water for all of those who depend on it. The agricultural sector is the largest water user in…
|2023 National Policy Platform
As landowners and land managers, we recognize that well-managed working lands are the cornerstones of both human communities and the ecosystems on which we all depend. We know what it…
Western water conservation and drought mitigation on private working lands
Policy opportunities in the farm bill and beyond The western United States continues to face extended and increasingly severe drought conditions that threaten municipal and agricultural water supplies, energy production,…
Water Rights in the West
Few things are as crucial to ranch operations as water. Getting a handle on your water rights may seem akin to drinking from a fire hose, but it is wildly important. Western water is complex, contentious, and rooted in rich history. This must-read article will help you keep your head above water.
|WLA Policy Brief on the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule
This Brief consists of five sections and an appendix, as follows: Background and Overview covers the basics of the federal Clean Water Act and an overview of the proposal. Considerations…
Stewardship with Vision
Caring for New Mexico’s Streams Private stewardship of Western land and water plays a vital role in the health of the West. This must-read guide highlights the importance of New…
Featured Publication
Stewardship with Vision: Caring for New Mexico’s Streams.
Private stewardship of Western land and water plays a vital role in the health of the West. This must-read guide highlights the importance of New Mexico landowners to our economic and environmental future. Our food, water resources, forests, rangelands, and fish and wildlife populations depend on their stewardship. Public policies that support and encourage the voluntary stewardship of our shared resources benefit us all.