conflict reduction, grizzly bears, Wolves, Working Wild Challenge
|A road map to place-based collaboration for conflict reduction
Place-based collaborative groups offer a means to coordinate community-scale action to address wildlife-livestock conflicts, and processes to lift landowner and livestock producer needs, while finding areas of agreement and shared…
Agricultural Water Users’ Preferences for Addressing Water Shortages in the Colorado River Basin
The Colorado River Basin is in crisis. There is no longer enough water for all of those who depend on it. The agricultural sector is the largest water user in…
Aspen Next Generation
Aspen trees and forests are especially important in the Rocky Mountains. Aspens add beauty to landscapes, foster high diversity and productivity of understory plants, provide for the habitat needs of many species of animals, and moderate fire behavior. There is a perception that aspen trees and stands are not regenerating well in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico; cohorts of trees younger than a few decades are scarce, at least in some areas. The next generation of aspen in the southern Rockies will be influenced by land use decisions, including harvesting, fire policy and management, and browsing by livestock and wildlife.
Paying for Stewardship
This guide presents some ways landowners can earn compensation for their stewardship efforts directly or indirectly—schemes sometimes referred to as payments for ecosystem services, ecosystem services markets, or conservation finance. It goes beyond description to provide illustrative case studies of these strategies at work.
monitoring, science
|Upland Bare Ground and Riparian Vegetative Cover Under Strategic Grazing Management, Continuous Stocking, and Multiyear Rest in New Mexico Mid-grass Prairie
By Rick Danvir, Gregg Simonds, Eric Sant, Eric Thacker, Randy Larsen, Tony Svejcar, Douglas Ramsey, Fred Provenza, and Chad Boyd Journal article published in February 2018 issue of Rangelands, the…
Stewardship with Vision
Caring for New Mexico’s Streams Private stewardship of Western land and water plays a vital role in the health of the West. This must-read guide highlights the importance of New…
Featured Publication
Stewardship with Vision: Caring for New Mexico’s Streams.
Private stewardship of Western land and water plays a vital role in the health of the West. This must-read guide highlights the importance of New Mexico landowners to our economic and environmental future. Our food, water resources, forests, rangelands, and fish and wildlife populations depend on their stewardship. Public policies that support and encourage the voluntary stewardship of our shared resources benefit us all.