Public Access Policy Statement

Public access to and through private land, especially for recreation activities such as hunting, angling and hiking is a challenging topic in the West, with its checkerboard of land ownership,…
Habitat Conservation Strategies for Migrating Wildlife Cover Image

Habitat Conservation Strategies for Migrating Wildlife

Landowner perspectives gained through one-on-one interviews and focus groups throughout the Upper Rio Grande region provide the foundation for the recommendations contained within this toolkit. These perspectives are shared side-by-side with concise strategies for policymakers, funders, and organizations looking to improve wildlife habitat in this dynamic trans-boundary region of Colorado and New Mexico.
ESA Guide Cover

Speaking from Experience: Landowners & the Endangered Species Act

This informative guide on the Endangered Species Act provides essential information on the law itself, changes currently being proposed and perspectives from experienced landowners.

Toward a Healthy & Productive West

Six common sense principles endorsed by more than 130 organizations light the path to a better West. We urge Congress and the Administration to advance these principles to achieve rural economic health and a productive agricultural sector, provide for our human needs, and protect the landscapes in which we live and work.

Restoring America’s Rural Economies, Land and Wildlife

The land and people of rural America are the foundation of our national economy and way of life, providing the food, water, energy and wildlife upon which we all depend. Yet rural America is struggling and working lands are disappearing. With the right public policies and strategic investments we can change this. Read WLA’s 2017 policy platform to learn more.

WLA Policy Brief on the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule

This Brief consists of five sections and an appendix, as follows: Background and Overview covers the basics of the federal Clean Water Act and an overview of the proposal. Considerations…
Featured Publication

Stewardship with Vision: Caring for New Mexico’s Streams.

Private stewardship of Western land and water plays a vital role in the health of the West. This must-read guide highlights the importance of New Mexico landowners to our economic and environmental future. Our food, water resources, forests, rangelands, and fish and wildlife populations depend on their stewardship. Public policies that support and encourage the voluntary stewardship of our shared resources benefit us all.


©2024 Western Landowners Alliance • PO BOX 27798, Denver, CO 80227 • 505.466.1495 

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