The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada
Truckee River Fund
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada is accepting proposals for grants from the Truckee River Fund. Proposals will be considered by the Truckee River Fund Advisory Committee and grant recommendations must be approved both by the TMWA Board and the Board of Trustees of the Community Foundation. The fund advisors may recommend up to a total of $550,000 in grant awards per fiscal year but may choose to award less than the amount available.
The mission of the Truckee River Fund is to protect and enhance water quality or water resources of the Truckee River or its watershed. To be considered for funding, project proposals must demonstrate measurable impact in accordance with this mission. Please note that land and/or water rights acquisition projects are not considered to be a Truckee River Fund priority. To see projects funded by the Truckee River Fund, please go to
Projects must begin within 180 days of award. Applicants must be registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit agencies, nonprofit educational institutions, or governmental entities. Grants are paid on a reimbursable basis for actual expenditures.
The deadline for proposals is Friday, January 31, 2025 at noon. Applications must be confirmed as received by the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada by the deadline to be considered for funding. A project budget must be submitted with your application. A sample budget template is available for download. For questions or additional information, contact the Community Foundation or visit the Truckee River Fund website at
January 31, 2025 12:00 pm
Open Date
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada
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