Women in Ranching to host weekly community check-in calls

In response to recommendations to limit in-person interactions from the CDC and pandemic experts, our Women in Ranching program director Amber Smith will be hosting weekly video conference calls on Zoom, every Wednesday at 12pm (noon) MST, for connection, comfort, and community. Amber says, “Women, children, spouses, friends, whoever you are in the house with, are all welcome to participate. I want this to be fun, uplifting and a way to connect even for just a moment with friendly faces.” Call-in information can be found on our events calendar.

In addition, the Women in Ranching will be compiling a list of direct-to-consumer beef businesses within our network that are able to ship high-quality, delicious protein around the country at a time when trips to the grocery store are advised against. Keep an eye on our Facebook pages (Women in Ranching and Western Landowners) for updates.

Regular inspiration from our Women in Ranching Instagram

Mule deer buck stands in a field.

Habitat Leasing Opportunity through USDA’s Grassland Conservation Reserve Program Grows with Important Changes in Western States

Sign-up runs through June 28, 2024.  Denver – The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Monday announced the sign-up period for the Grassland Conservation Reserve Program, which will run from…

New bill would scale up voluntary, locally-led big game conservation on working lands

The Habitat Connectivity on Working Lands Act would build on pilot Migratory Big Game Initiative WLA helped initiate in Wyoming.

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