Thank you for joining us on our mission. It's great to have you alongside.

Support your membership with a gift.

Membership is free, but our work on behalf of working lands and wildlife costs money. Can you support the movement with a gift today?



  • Critical support for our work growing stewardship across the West.



  • Helping secure a whole and healthy future for the West.



  • Ensuring land stewards are at the policymaking table, not on the menu.

Can't donate today? Can you take 1 minute to share our mission with your friends?

Our magazine is coming your way.

On Land - The Voice of Stewardship in the American West

If we are to recover the American West to health and abundance, we need a new story about our relationship to land, rooted in an ethic of stewardship. On Land brings forth that story clearly and beautifully, in the voices of the people who are living it, at the leading edge of a future that puts people and nature together again for the benefit of both. Members get each new edition of On Land in their mailbox. Please keep your address current. If you enjoy the magazine, we would appreciate a donation to support our storytelling. 

Take a deeper look at what you're supporting.

Forests and Ranges

Forest and Range

Share knowledge and learn from best stewards in the West for improving your forest and range.



From protecting your water rights to helping increase healthy stream flows, these are the resources landowners need for managing water in the West.



Landowner resources for wildlife management, from ungulates to large carnivores to threatened and endangered species.



Knowledge and resources to keep working lands economically viable, intact and in the family.

From The Blog


Whether conventional or renewable, it’s critical for landowners to understand how to contend with energy development. These are resources to help you do that.

Toward a Healthy and Productive West

Stronger Together

Delivering landowner perspectives and improving public dialogue on land and natural resource management.

©2024 Western Landowners Alliance • PO BOX 27798, Denver, CO 80227 • 505.466.1495 

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