Quarterly webinar: Soil Sponge and Ecological Function
Mark your calendar for this fall’s webinar to be presented by Tip Hudson: The Art of Range Podcast, Wednesday, October 5th at 3 p.m. PST/ 4 p.m. MST Zoom link…
Oregon USDA’s Beginning Farmer Ranchers: In the Know Webinar
Are you new to farming or ranching, thinking about becoming a producer or serve this audience in your work? You’re invited to Oregon USDA’s Beginning Farmer Ranchers: In The Know virtual events…
COCEWL Discussion Series
ZoomPlease join the Colorado Coalition to Enhance Working Lands to: Build important connections with other working land folks Broaden and deepen your understanding of pertinent topics Collaborate more effectively in…
Grant Funds Available to Hire H-2A Workers: USDA Webinar and RMFU Assistance to Apply
Have you ever considered hiring H-2A workers? USDA recently announced the Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program which provides $65 million dollars in incentives to participate in the H-2A program.…
COCEWL Discussion Series
ZoomPlease join the Colorado Coalition to Enhance Working Lands to: Build important connections with other working land folks Broaden and deepen your understanding of pertinent topics Collaborate more effectively in…
Low-Tech Stream Restoration for Landowners: The Benefits, Water Rights Issues & Reducing Risks
Zoomhttps://youtu.be/A4TJkuw-r2w In this webinar we heard an informative presentation by Jackie Corday, a Colorado-based water and land attorney and natural resources consultant, on low-tech process-based stream restoration. Read a detailed…
Rancher innovations to support soil health and water management amidst a changing climate
https://youtu.be/1MtJsEaYs64 In this webinar we heard a fascinating presentation on a new study exploring relationships between drought, soil health and agricultural productivity launched with the support of the Colorado Ag Water…
Training: Translating SB23-270, Projects to Restore Natural Stream Systems
ZoomAudubon Rockies is hosting a free SB270 training presented by the co-chairs of the Colorado Healthy Headwaters Working Group. The training is for anyone interested in learning about what types…
Oregon USDA’s Beginning Farmer Ranchers: In the Know Webinar
Are you new to farming or ranching, thinking about becoming a producer or serve this audience in your work? You’re invited to Oregon USDA’s Beginning Farmer Ranchers: In The Know virtual events…
Is Use It Or Lose It An Absolute? Historical consumptive use and understanding your water rights
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mq7GAlfpew Thank you for joining us for the third in our series of Winter Water Webinars! The webinar was led off by Greg Peterson, Executive Director of the Colorado Ag…