Working lands are the cornerstone of the West, sustaining our livelihoods and economies while providing food, fiber, water, energy, wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities. Yet because working lands struggle to compete economically with other land uses, such as residential development, they continue to disappear. Increasing economic viability is essential to keeping our remaining lands intact, in family ownership and available to meet the many needs of people and wildlife.


Toward a Healthy and Productive West

Five common sense principles endorsed by more than 130 organizations light the path to a better West.


Restoring America’s Rural Economics, Land & Wildlife

WLA’s work is led and informed by experienced landowners and managers who have a vested stake in both the economic and environmental well being of the West’s great landscapes and rural communities. As a nation, it is essential that we reinvest in the land, natural resources and people that sustain us all. Read WLA’s 2017 policy platform to learn more.

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WLA works on behalf of landowners and practitioners throughout the West. We will never share your contact information with anyone.

©2024 Western Landowners Alliance • PO BOX 27798, Denver, CO 80227 • 505.466.1495 

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