As landowners, we care deeply about wildlife and recognize the importance of species diversity to our ecosystems and to our own well being. We also understand at a pragmatic level both the benefits and challenges of co-existing with wildlife in our working landscapes. Up to 80% of wildlife species depend on private land for survival. Our families and communities also depend on the food, fiber, energy and recreation we produce on this land. As more land is developed, the pressures on our remaining open lands are intensifying.We need policies that provide the flexibility and economic support that enable landowners to meet the needs of both people and wildlife.


Letter to Sc. Zinke re: Greater Sage-Grouse Land-Use Plans

WLA's letter to Secretary Zinke emphasizes our support for the 2015 sage-grouse land-use plans and the USDA-led Sage-Grouse initiative representing 1,500 producers across 5.6 million acres, and provides our recommendations in light of potential amendments to land-use plans.

ESA Guide Cover

Speaking from Experience: Landowners & the Endangered Species Act

A must-read for landowners, this informative guide on the Endangered Species Act provides essential information on the law itself, changes currently being proposed and perspectives from experienced landowners.

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©2024 Western Landowners Alliance • PO BOX 27798, Denver, CO 80227 • 505.466.1495 

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