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Voices of Stewardship Series
Voices of Stewardship
Voices of Stewardship posts are personal, first-person, essays by or interviews with land stewards covering a wide range of topics but always hewing close to the heart and the land.
What landowners need to know about the ACE Act
By Zach Bodhane
Elements of this legislation will support western landowners and federal land grazing permittees in providing crucial habitat and ecosystem services by providing economic relief and policy options for livestock producers.
Working lands are the future of conservation
By Lesli Allison
Farms and ranches are the cornerstones of both human communities and the ecosystems we all depend on. And they are disappearing.
Leadership from the Land
Founded, led and inspired by landowners and practitioners working to create a better West.
Bringing landowner perspectives and stories to bear on major issues shaping the West.
WLA’s peer network and shared knowledge base is designed for landowners striving to keep the land whole and healthy.
Advancing pragmatic, common ground solutions that sustain working lands, connected landscapes and native species.