
Measuring nature’s benefits: A wetland ecosystem services tool for Prairie Canada

People derive many benefits from nature. These benefits, which are sometimes referred to as ecosystem services, are crucial to human wellbeing, including in the context of mitigation of the dual crises of global climate change and biodiversity loss. Researchers at Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Institute for Wetland and Water-fowl Research have developed a tool to quantify carbon, biodiversity, water regulation and nutrient retention ecosystem services from wetlands in Prairie Canada. This tool allows us to quantify and communicate the benefits of prairie wetland conservation and learn about synergies and trade-offs amongst ecosystem services.

Grizzlies & Grazing: Virtual Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Grizzlies and Grazing is a film that explores how the fate of these iconic landscapes and their inhabitants hangs in a delicate balance, where the survival of both grizzlies and ranchers are deeply intertwined.

Community Discussion on Conservation Easements

Join us for a brief, formal presentation by Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust Staff, followed by an open Q&A session with community members and partners in conservation

Cal Pac SRM – Spring Meeting 2024

Conservation Ranching: Practices, Benefits, Challenges.

Conservation without Conflict Summit

Conservation Without Conflict continues to grow as a unified voice for voluntary and collaborative wildlife conservation on working lands across America. Join us at our 2024 Coalition Summit as we…

2023 Symposium on Conservation Impact

5th Annual International Symposium The Symposium will bring together diverse thought leaders from across North America to share their insights on how to move beyond individual projects to lasting systemic…

In Durango: A Conversation about a New Era of Conservation

We are living at the historic intersection of agriculture and conservation. Surely, water, wolves, wildfires and invasive species are examples of the challenges we face, but the issue is bigger,…

Wolves & Water: Private Lands and the Future of the West

Join WLA in Fort Collins, Colorado for a conversation about a “New Era of Conservation” On Tuesday, July 25th, from 5:30 – 7 PM, at New Belgium Brewing, 500 Linden…

Grand Junction: A Conversation over Beers about the New Era of Conservation

On Tuesday, July 27th at Kannah Creek Brewing Co. in Grand Junction, Western Landowners Alliance CEO Lesli Allison will be discussing the need to bridge our urban and rural divide…

Regenerate 2023

Each year, the Quivira Coalition, Holistic Management International, and the American Grassfed Association collaborate to convene ranchers, farmers, conservationists, land managers, scientists and thought leaders to share knowledge, build community,…
