Fall Cover Cropping for Soil Health!

TCEDC HACT Room Salazar Road, Taos, NM, United States

Join us October 7th! Learn how cover cropping can improve the health, productivity, and drought resilience of your land! And learn how you can access free cover crop seed through the Taos Soil and Water Conservation District! DINNER PROVIDED!!!


Lessons from The Three Creeks Project- Innovative Grazing on Public Lands

Upper Chama SWCD Building 17305 US Highway 64-84, Tierra Amarilla, NM

Join us to learn how 37 ranchers in Rich County, Utah, transformed livestock grazing on 128,000 acres of public and private lands to protect rangelands, streams and wildlife. Discover how this community-led project, developed in collaboration with the BLM, Forest Service and stat of Utah, is balancing ranching and conservation.