Fuels and Vegetation Management Training Program Coordinator
Announcing an Exciting Job Opportunity
Fuels and Vegetation Management Training Program Coordinator
Cal Poly and Swanton Pacific Ranch seek a person knowledgeable about vegetation and fuels management to
develop and lead a California-wide professional training program. Our goal is to increase the pace and scale of
vegetation and fuels treatments to improve the State’s resilience to future wildfire.
The project this position would coordinate furthers that goal by creating a more skilled and knowledgeable and better networked community of practice in the fields that can affect vegetation and fuels management.
This full-time position will be responsible for delivering regular, high quality, relevant training via virtual
‘webinars’ as well as in person, throughout the state.
To do this will require teamwork with Swanton Pacific Ranch staff as well as direct management and daily oversight of 2 full time, assistant coordinators. We expect funding through 2025. The work requires delivery of 2 virtual and one in-person workshop each month, and two larger in person symposia each year, as well as a week-long Prescribed Burn Boss training each year, starting this fall.
Spread throughout the entirety of California, the field workshops will always feature the best available examples,
backed by science and expertise, and interpreted by practitioners who are excellent presenters.
This work is well funded for success and has excellent support at Cal Poly and with our partners. The position is
full time with benefits. While the project’s grant funding is limited in scope, we will explore the potential to create
a fee-based, self-sustaining program after grant funding expires. We would like for this position to be filled by
September 15. Salary is nonnegotiable at $80,000/year not including benefits.
For more information, contact Grey Hayes gfhayes@calpoly.edu or (831) 227-7163