Join Sterling in giving back to the West.

"I wanted to make Western music that really gave back to the landscapes that inspired it, and inspire me. So we made this EP, and all the proceeds from sales and streams are being donated directly to the Western Landowners Alliance to keep the working lands of the West whole and healthy for my children and grandchildren, and yours, so they can be inspired by this place too." - Sterling Drake


Take the first step. Join the Alliance.

It's free and we never share your personal information with others.

Go the extra mile. Donate to the future of the West.

Members throw their weight into the most important work in the West

WLA was founded by owners and managers of private lands who love the West and want to do all we can to save it. Members join their voice with our coalition of ranchers, farmers, foresters and wildlife stewards to ensure working lands remain whole, healthy and able to support both people and wildlife.

Provide a seat at the table

We bring diverse stakeholders together to find common sense, common ground solutions to the many challenges we face in the West today. This includes ensuring that working lands support quality livelihoods and human communities while also delivering the many values we all care about, from wildlife habitat to clean water.

Promote private stewardship

For long term success, it is vital that contributions and perspectives from the private landscape be communicated and understood both broadly within society and by special interest groups. This story needs to be told through the media, films, and publications. Landscape-scale conservation cannot be achieved without private lands.

Support a community of practice

WLA convenes its members to share knowledge and best practices that support on-the-ground stewardship. These include ranch tours, meetings and conferences across the West. Each month we also provide a widely-read Western Digest of the most relevant land management resources, issues, and events.


Gwen Kolb

Retired, USFWS Partners Program

“Western Landowners Alliance is one of only a few organizations that understands that conservation is not only about just the land – it’s the people and the land. Most of our endangered species are on private land, and it’s the people on private lands that have the most important role in saving them from extinction. WLA represents the West and the West needs WLA!”

©2025 Western Landowners Alliance • PO BOX 27798, Denver, CO 80227 • 505.466.1495 
Western Landowners Alliance is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS.