You’re invited to a unique opportunity to visit Lava Lake Ranch, learn more about the Western Landowners Alliance and discover the conservation benefits that private lands provide to our communities.
Enjoy Lava Lake lamb burgers while learning about the soundscape research of Boise State University Professor and sensory ecologist, Dr. Jesse Barber. Following his presentation, WLA CEO Lesli Allison will lead a thought-provoking discussion on private lands stewardship and the new era of conservation.
There will be an optional hike from 9 - 10:30 AM to explore the beautiful stewardship of Lava Lake Ranch and see how wildlife interact with the land and waterways.
Please RSVP by June 20th using the form on this page.
About Lava Lake :
Located just southeast of Sun Valley in the Pioneer Mountains, Lava Lake Land & Livestock is continuing the best family ranching traditions of past generations while incorporating conservation and science practices—adding their own chapter to the story of the land. Owners Kathleen and Brian Bean have implemented an ambitious conservation plan to preserve the lands where they raise their animals. With over 17,000 acres permanently protected by conservation easement and over 60,000 acres of certified organic pasture and range lands, they are committed to land stewardship and sustainable practices.
Lava Lake’s operating area extends from the deserts of the Snake River Plain south of the Ranch at roughly 3,000 feet to the high peaks of the Boulder and Pioneer Mountains north of us at nearly 12,000 feet. From sagebrush, grassland plains and lava flows to river, foothill and mountain ecosystems, this landscape is rich in biological diversity. Over 100 bird species have been recorded in the ranch’s operating area, as well as many wide-ranging and keystone species such as wolf, black bear, mountain lion and elk. See more about the ranch here.
About Western Landowners Alliance
The Western Landowners Alliance advances policies and practices that sustain working lands, connected landscapes, and native species.
We envision a future in which private and leased public lands in the West are resilient to stressors, healthy and biologically diverse, and provide for prosperous rural business and critical ecological services.
WLA recognizes that economic vitality and conservation go hand-in-hand. Given that private lands encompass the most productive and biologically diverse landscapes, including the majority of water resources, landowners have a pivotal role to play in shaping the future. WLA provides a collective voice, a peer network and a shared knowledge base for landowners striving to keep the land whole and healthy. See more here.