Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Colorado Wetlands Project Funding
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) annually seeks applications for wetland and riparian restoration, enhancement, and creation projects to support the two primary goals of its Wetlands for Wildlife Program:
- Improve the distribution and abundance of ducks, and opportunities for public waterfowl hunting. Applications supporting this goal should seek to improve fall/winter habitat on property open for public hunting (or refuge areas within properties open for public hunting), or improve breeding habitat in important production areas (including North Park and the San Luis Valley in Colorado, and other areas contributing ducks to the fall flight in Colorado).
- Improve the status of declining or at-risk species. Applications supporting this goal should seek to clearly address habitat needs of these species. See species list on the Wetlands Priority Species page. Also see the identified threats, recommended conservation actions, and progress to date for these species in the Colorado State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) Conservation Dashboards.
Landowners interested in undertaking a wetland or riparian restoration project on their property should contact their local Focus Area Committee for project funding options.

February 12, 2024 12:00 am
Open Date
December 20, 2023 12:00 am
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Click to see all opportunities from this funder