
El Sueño Ranch Clines Corners, NM, United States

Grazing planning doesn’t have to be daunting! Join us for a one-day intensive on increasing soil health, land productivity, and profitability with adaptive grazing management. We’ll see how these principles are applied at El Sueño Ranch and learn how to read the conditions of the land with simple monitoring techniques in order to assess forage…


Taos Farm & Ranch Tour

Taos County Ecoomic Development Center 1021 Salazar Rd, Taos, NM, United States

CALLING NEW MEXICO FARMERS, RANCHERS AND ALL INTERESTED IN AGRICULTURE! We invite you to join on July 22 for an afternoon filled with farm and ranch tours that specialize in biologically diverse, high-intensity, regenerative and sustainable practices. Meet at 12:30 pm at Taos County Economic Development Center's parking lot at 1021 Salazar Rd, Taos, NM.…


Grass Tour 2023 – Colorado

This year's grass tour will be supported by CO-SRM, Colorado Open Lands, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, CSU Extension Office, Colorado Watershed Assembly, West Greeley Conservation District and the Roberts Ranch. Pawnee Buttes Seed has been working hard to plan a beneficial and educational tour for all of you this year! August 17th, will focus…

$30 – $55

Restoring Riparian Habitats Field Training

Baker City, Oregon

August 28th (evening only) and 29th (full field day), 2023 Do you manage or have an interest in restoring healthy creeks, streams, or rivers in Oregon rangelands? Join us on August 28th for dinner and an overview of our field day and on the 29th for a full day in the field. This workshop will…