The New Era of Conservation: What Working Landscapes Bring to the Table
October 3, 2023 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm MDT

Western Landowners Alliance presented this panel discussion on the New Era of Conservation in partnership with the Trailing of the Sheep Festival. The conversation focused on the importance of both private and public lands, the critical role of agriculture in conservation, and obstacles that landowners face in stewarding these landscapes. The panel will also discuss the idea of stewardship beyond boundaries: the need for all of us—landowners, sportsmen, recreationists, ranchers, urban residents—to look beyond the boundaries of our land or immediate self-interests.
Panelists included Lesli Allison, the CEO of the Western Landowners Alliance, Cameron Weskamp, the Operations Manager for Rinker Rock Creek Ranch, and Kim Brackett, Current President of the Idaho Cattle Association and manager at Brackett Ranches. The discussion was moderated by Eric Winford, Associate Director of the University of Idaho Rangeland Center.
Pre-registration is not required, but appreciated: https://westernlandowners.salsalabs.org/ketchumeventsignup2023
More info or registration:
Event Cost: Free
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©2025 Western Landowners Alliance • PO BOX 27798, Denver, CO 80227 • 505.466.1495
Western Landowners Alliance is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS.