EPLUS is critical for working lands and wildlife. We are bringing people together to defend it.
We need to stand up together against foolish attempts to undermine New Mexico's successful private land elk hunt program.
The Western Landowners Alliance was built to stand up for landowners like you and support wildlife management policies that actually work to conserve wildlife while protecting private property rights and working lands’ ability to make a profit. That’s why we need you to join us.
The biggest threat to wildlife and hunting in the state is habitat lost to development. We know it has become harder and harder to make a living on a ranch in New Mexico. And we know EPLUS is a critical program that keeps ranches whole to provide habitat.
Landowners have to stand together on these issues. Can you join the fight today?
Fund the Fight
EPLUS is vital for New Mexico’s economy and wildlife
New report makes clear the economic, ecological and recreational reasons why New Mexicans should all support the Elk Private Land Use System (EPLUS).