Central Coast Rangeland Coalition Fall 2024 Workshop
October 17 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm MDT
Rangeland Restoration and Improvement: what it is and how it can meet your land management needs
Restoration and improvement plays an important role in the management of rangeland systems and consists of many different complex ecological and social processes. Exploring the restoration and improvement process with its associated social aspects like funding and collaboration opportunities is imperative for assuring the future health of rangelands on the central coast of California.
Goal: Increase practitioner’s understanding about the process of restoring/improving rangeland systems, including the benefits and steps involved, project feasibility, and collaboration and funding opportunities.
Welcome, opening remarks
Meeting Introduction and Background: Defining rangeland restoration and improvement
Panel Discussion: Rangeland Restoration – Improvement Process Benefits and Contraints
Funding – Collaboration Opportunities and Information Sources
- Rangeland Restoration Practitioners’ Perspectives
- Resource Management System
- Rangeland Restoration Using Sheep and Goats
Field Site Visit
- Escuela Ranch, Livestock productivity
- Escuela Ranch, Road improvement project
- Walter Creek, Riparian restoration project
Closing Remarks
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